
New Facebook page. You WILL like it!

I have been setting up an all-new Facebook page for the last couple of days, that will feature all the juicy creativeness that comes out of my brain; it would be great if you Like the page and also follow this blog (Shame on you if you haven't already!)



Vertex paint.

I am currently learning about the Vertex Paint modifier, fiddling about with the settings etc. I don't know if it's just me, but I find it a little tricky getting good brush settings and making decent complete maps with Render to Texture from the vertex paint information. At the moment, it's just easier for me to use masks in Photoshop and paint on the UVW template. Here's a few pieces I created using vertex paint:


A little something.

Here's an animated GIF I have created for a Train2Game assignment. It's a little jumpy in places, but I not too worried about going back to refine it too much. It did give me a couple of hours of fun though.