Double Fine Productions (Grim Fandango, Psychonauts, Brutal Legend) have been running a fund-raising project through Kickstarter, a website where you pitch a creative idea to the public, set a donations target and see if people are willing to back the project by helping to fund it.
Tim Schafer's team were looking for $400,00 to make a classic 'point and click' adventure game, but the target was smashed and is currently sitting at $2,394,261 with 8 days left to pledge.
You can pledge any amount you want, but by pledging at least $15 you are entitled to the finished game in all of its awesome glory (DRM free on PC, Mac, and
Linux, or via Steam for PC and Mac), exclusive access to the Beta on
Steam, access to the video series, and access the private discussion
community; there are other pledging reward tiers too ($30, $60, $100 and so on).
I pledged $15 towards the project, as there needs to be more awesome, innovative adventure games and less boring, monotonous, money-fuelled games that seem to saturate the market today (I'm looking at you Call of Duty!).
Get on board today if you like the look of the project and be a part of the games creation, pretty cool! CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE ADVENTURE
UPDATE: Funding has now closed. Double Fine Productions received $3,336,371 in total from contributors.
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