
Eighteen months in...

I have now been learning 3d art for eighteen months (Give or take a few weeks), in which I feel that I've learnt so much; all the way from opening up 3ds Max for the very first time and being terrified by the complicated-looking UI, up to where I am today. I feel I have made great progress so far in my studies, both through the Train2Game course I'm enrolled on and extra-curricular learning, working my ass of each and every day.
Another milestone that the eighteen month point brings, is that I have also paid off half of my course. Working the extra hours at my part-time job in order to pay for my studies is tough, but at the same time allows me to learn the skills I need to break-in and get that job in the games industry!
Looking to the next eighteen months, I should be much more proficient in high poly modelling and the Unreal Engine; both of which are things I have recently started to learn. Add to this continuing to improve at my texture work and as a wannabe environment artist as a whole. Hopefully if I can learn as much in the next eighteen months as I have in this past year and a half, then I will blossom into a fairly good 3d artist, who starts to make some tiny ripples in the proverbial ocean that is the games industry.

"This is what I want to be a part of as a career, this is my passion..."

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